
About Us is the choice of the educated reader to the latest news, commentary and feature content serving the information technology and business community. Since its re-launch in 2017, the information management is now increased readership and market share with the help of interactive features, in-depth case studies and insightful thought leadership to become a reliable source for data management and content communities. Information Management provides the initial reporting, online radio programming, programming informative webinar, white paper and online education resources, tuned to the business needs of today’s information professional.

About debuted as in November 1997 and is a component of online management information magazine. It contains archival issues of the magazine, plus exclusive online content, which does not appear in the pages of the monthly magazine – the daily news, articles, columns, e-newsletters, and online capabilities.

About SourceMedia

SourceMedia, company capital observation, is a diversified business-to-business digital media company serving the senior professionals in the sectors of financial, technological and medical workers. Brands include American Banker, bond buyer, Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Planning, on Wall Street, Accounting Today, the management of medical data, and the Pension News.